
Friday, 5 July 2013

What are we up to?....................

Just to keep you up to date with wildlife crimes we are currently dealing with across the force, the D&C Wildlife Crimes Group are presently investigating:  2x buzzard poisonings, one allegation of unlawful hunting, suspected gassing of badger set, A badger set interference, 3 nest disturbances/destructions, 2x disturbance/destruction of significant bat roost and a CITES offence. We are also looking into a lot of Deer poaching allegations and an illegal fishing incident! All of the above are ongoing investigations and as such we cannot elaborate at this time, but we will publish the results of these jobs on our blog as and when we can. 
Deer killed by poachers in Devon

Despite our heavy workload, we would like to encourage you to continue reporting ALL suspected wildlife crime in Devon and Cornwall. Please call 101 (for non-emergency) to report widlife crime or intelligence.